Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Please mark your calendars for the second annual Palm Beach CorpGov Forum, to be held on Wednesday, November 9, featuring a full day of panels and fireside chats followed by a cocktail reception at the rooftop ballroom of The Ben Hotel in West Palm Beach, FL.
Scenes from the 2021 Palm Beach CorpGov Forum
The event will feature participants from the 2021 Palm Beach CorpGov Forum along with new panelists including activist investors, pension funds, attorneys, investment bankers, advisors and other members of the financial community.
Discussion Topics:
- ESG investing: Responsible returns and possible government resistance
- Universal proxy cards
- Activism and the upcoming 2023 proxy season
- Proxy advisor considerations
- The return of IPOs and SPACs
Please stay tuned for further registration details in coming weeks.
John Jannarone
Founder and Editor-in-Chief